Sunday, April 13, 2008

Isabella and Nani time

Isabella got to spend the night with me Wednesday night and Thursday I took a vacation day to spend with her. I had all kinds of plans but it was rainy and cold all day. Here are some pictures from our morning together. It includes her "bed-head-hair" and wrapped up in my robe, which she loved.
A nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, yogurt, grapes and apple juice (no she did not eat it all)
Then it's time to clean the kitchen which she did an amazing job of getting soaking wet and wetting the floor 2 square feet around her - LOL
Then bath time and a little T.V. time before her nap. Please note that she cannot relax if she has shoes on. Hmm.
A happy baby.
This log only covers until 11:00 a.m. I'm the one who needed a nap - LOL. More on the rest of the day to follow.


Jennifer said...

Fun time bonding together with Isabella! She looked different when she have her hair leave down.

Asgard said...

I am so glad she is a part of our lives. I know that everytime that I see you with her, your eyes are bright and your spirits are high.

lauren bergold said...

i'm with miss isabella on the subject of shoes...but i agree with nani...on the subject of NAPS!!!!!!!!!! :)

(good golly sandra--that kid KEEPS GETTIN' CUTER!!!!!!!!)