On the way back form Iowa we saw this zoo and I wanted to stop for photo ops with the animals.
These giraffes could not keep their eyes off of me. They followed and starred and we couldn't figure out why. They were only interested in me!

All of them!

Then David figured it must be the shirt. So I guess that is what it was. They were attracted to my shirt!

We took this cute little tour of the zoo on this locomotive. cost $1.50, well worth it.

I asked David to get me some nectar and as soon as he walked in with it he became the bird man. Those parrots did not waste any time!

The Bald Eagles were not to happy to have the zoo keepers in their cleaning their enclosure.

This elephant kept "powdering" herself with dirt. Probably to stay cool cause it was very hot outside.

All in all a very nice pit stop on the way back home.
The animals on photos are so cute :)
It's fun to watch what animals do and may be thinking. Great pixs!
I can hear the giraffes talking to each other:
Hey! Who's the new chick?
I don't know, but she's hot!
I'd whistle at her if I knew how.
I'm going to give her my knock-em dead sexy stare and she'll come runnin'!
I saw her first man!
LOL! I could go on but I'm stopping myself now. You sexy giraffe you!
holy moly sandra! your animal pics are AWESOME...i mean...*all* your pics are awesome...but these zoo ones are particularly appealing to me: both the animal ones and those amazing shots of you that i assume are mr. dave's keen eye! :)
(ps: i'm with nathalia: there's no way it was the shirt! face it baby, you're a giraffe magnet!!! lol)
What a riot!!! gotta love giraffes!
that zoo is right near Howard's parents!!! we are gonna take the kids our next visit!!!
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