Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The day after the flood - NW Indiana 2008

The Beautiful Historic Marquette Park in Miller

Dave being a good sport and letting me take his picture (o.k. Many pictures).

A fungus or a work of art?

The last of the Wild Thistle

The last of the Wild beautiful blooms (O.K. I don't know what they are called but they do look like snapdragons).

This is a main street that is completely under water. It has about 4 feet of water. There are areas far worse off than this. I've also played with this in photoshop.

Lake Michigan not looking to peaceful - but none the less a beautiful site. Again, I played with this picture in photoshop.

Dave is "taking in" the aftermath of the storm.

How in the world did this happen? Found it just like this . . .

This is really a wonderful area. More plays with photoshop.

Here is the original straight out of the camera.


Brittany said...

I love the play with PS on the last one. Really, beautiful. I enjoy your work!

Jennifer said...

cool how can do with pictures with actions.

Cool and wonder how it happen with the wrapped plants

Hard believe how much flooding we have got here.

Nathalia Castellon said...

My favorite is the 'shrooms on the tree. It just has so much texture and a sort of fairytale mystery about it. :)