Friday, March 21, 2008

Finding Beauty in desolation

This is an abondoned church I have always been fascinated with. I am sure in it's day it was one of the most amazing buildings in the area.
In 1926 this million dollar gothic cathedral held it's first worship service. Social changes and economic depression caused this amazing structre to close it's doors nearly 30 years ago.

Although what is left is mostly a skeleton of what "used" to be I am still amazed and awed but this structure. Their is no doubt that this structure commands attention from miles away as it draws you to it - and you're expecting to find some movement and music and chatter only to find the shell of what once must have been the grandest church in the area.

Apparently this structure once had a soup kitchen and would give clothes and household goods to the needy. It also has a stage with curtains that are tattered still waiting their stage call. The auditorium still has a few seats bolted to the groud facing the stage awaiting a show that will never be.

This church holds the grandest fire places I have ever seen - of coarse one has to use the imagination to imagine what it used to look like because almost everything that was left behind 30 years ago has been taken out including the brick on the wall and fireplaces. What remains has little value or is attached to the structure so well that it is impossible to move.

All of this even before you get to the sanctuary. Which is the grandest room of all. I imagine at one point there were stained glass windows from the bottom to the top of the glorious walls. There still remain decorated tiles that are cemented into place. The window and doors have been destroyed except for very high ones that are apparently out of reach.

So whatever vandalism, graffitti, and nature have not destroyed will soon be taken care of by the city. The building is scheduled to be demoslished but a date has not been set yet.

Too bad we cannot perserve some of this beautiful history.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Def great and awesome pictures! Would love to see the chruch! Even it dangerous to step inside. I remember being careful at the Mill in Maryland last May. Missed it already.

Surprised that glass windows still stand well. (esp one picture)

Keep up practices! :-) I have seen other ladies taking cool pictures at varies places to use with background. I thought it was neat ideas too.