Friday, November 23, 2007


Today the Lovely Ms. Isabella turns ONE! What a wonderful year it has been. It has been a year of milestones and bonding. She's gone from an infant to trying to establish some independence. She walks, runs and gives orders. She is a princess of few words but she gets her point across. She loves music - she head bangs and dances everytime she hears music. She loves cars and other children. Especially her cousins. I got to spend her fist "birthday" baby sitting her. We've had a fun day. I'm exhaused!

Heather took her birthday pictures. I wanted to share just a few (of many) Isabella had a ball with her cake.


Jennifer said...

Isabella grew so much! Can't wait to see her with cake!


Nathalia Castellon said...

Happy Birthday to our sweet little princess!! Have fun at her birthday party and take lots of pics. xoxox, N

lauren bergold said...

happy birthday, isabella...and many more to come!

(OMG those pictures!!!) :)