Friday, November 30, 2007

Quick Story

When I travel, I have always taken along with me a Rusty Pickle Folder album that I made in a class. I never travel without it! Never. So when I was packing a few weeks ago to go on vacation, the night before we left, I realized I did not pack my little album. I searched high and low for it. I even recruited the help of my family. I just cannot imagine where that thing might be stashed away. Well, gosh darn it, it might be bad luck to travel with out my families pictures close by, right? So, four hours before we packed up the car I was in a mad dash rush pulling pictures of my family. I came across this little album. I've had it for a long time but I don't know who makes it. I attached a large hanging decoration I purchased at the dollar store and I pulled my favorite Two Spotted Dogs Kit - Romance Novel. It has everything in there I needed to complete this little book in no time at all. My husband thought I was nuts - creating a mini-album right before we have to leave - LOL. I assured him it be done in not time.
So I took a few pictures - the layouts are simple but I really loved having it with me on vacation. There are alot more pages in there.

Please note the "Owl" on the first page. Is he not the cutest? I got that last month from The Embellishment Studio
I received two - I'm working on something really special for the other one.