Thursday, November 22, 2007


Usually during this time of the year I am forced to STOP and think. Yeah, traditionally we think of food, and yes this year is no different. My family and Dave's family will get together at my In-Laws house where we will have way to much delicious food. This year we will be a few members short - some by choice and others by no control of their own.

I used to try and get everyone to share what they were grateful for but that tradition just fell to the way side. So here is my list:

I am grateful for:
The Creator because after so many years of "wrong" teaching I've finally learned that the Creator is Love and true peace.
the protection the Creator has extended to my son who is in Iraq
My husband - because he's the best!
My children - because they have made me stronger
The Lovely Ms Isabella - because she makes me smile and warms my heart
My health - no comment needed there
the ability to enjoy sunrises and sunsets - because I see beauty in nature and I get to see the work of a true artist
my extended family - personalities! but they make me accountable
numerous friends - who share my joys and my disappointments
my BFF - because I know you are there for me and you inspire me (thanks Nathalia)
my partner Heather because you see my strengths even when I don't
my friend Jennifer who is more like family
my job (oh yeah I said it!)because it pays the bills - lol and also I've gotten to know and to share with my 2 co-workers (who fall under the friend catagory now) Terry and Brandon - hey you guys make work not so much "work."
my art - because I feel my best when I create or when I take that perfect picture (which by the way I'm still working on)
my home - it offers comfort and security
my car - it takes me places I would otherwise would not be able to get to

the list could go on and on and I don't want to be a bore - but I would love to see your list. So please do share.

Have a great day!


Jennifer said...

We all ahve tons what we are thankful for!

Beautiful picture! Was it from Mex trip?

lauren bergold said...

i am thankful for lots of things...but reading this i am VERY thankful that you are gettin' the old MOJO back...bigtime! (go sandra, go!) :)